When to Schedule Professional Teeth Whitening for a Special Event

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — kempermeadow @ 4:14 pm
A woman getting a professional teeth whitening treatment at her dentist's office.

Are congratulations in order? If you have a major life event coming up, like a wedding, graduation, job interview, or social event, you likely want to look and feel your absolute best, and that includes your smile. But what happens if your teeth aren’t quite as white as you’d like them to be? Professional teeth whitening is a safe, effective, and affordable solution to remove up to eight shades of discoloration in about an hour. Here’s what you need to know about having your teeth whitened in anticipation of a special event.

Timing is Everything

If you’re planning on whitening your teeth, you may think the closer to the date of your event, the better. While this is somewhat true, it’s important to not schedule your appointment too close to it. Generally, it is recommended that you plan your treatment about two weeks prior, that way you will have plenty of time to recover from any sensitivity that might occur afterwards. Thankfully, while it is generally mild and certainly temporary, you don’t want to have to skip the champagne toast or turn down a slice of cake because your teeth might hurt.

Furthermore, if you book too close to your event you run the risk of needing to cancel and not having time to reschedule. Giving yourself a buffer will help reduce stress so you’re not feeling so rushed or overwhelmed in those hectic days right beforehand.

Maintaining Your Results

By now you may be wondering “but what if my results fade before the day of the event?” The good news is that with proper oral hygiene, this should not happen. Though the results of your treatment are not permanent, and you can still develop new stains, if you avoid darkly colored foods and beverages (think red wine, coffee, and cola) and don’t smoke, your results can last for many years by just brushing your teeth and flossing regularly.

Professional Whitening Options

Your dentist offers two professional whitening options: in-office Phillips Zoom! whitening, and professional-grade take home trays. With Zoom! You can get up to eight shades of lightning in about an hour, while take-home trays work more gradually but can be done at home and refilled as needed. If you are choosing the take-home trays, be aware that this treatment takes longer to notice results, so you may want to start several months in advance of your event.

Remember, whether you’ve got a major life event scheduled, or you just want a whiter, brighter smile every day, Zoom! professional whitening or professional grade take-home kits can help make your pearly whites ready for their closeup!

About Our Practice

The team at Kemper Meadow Family Dentistry strives to provide the best care for your entire family under one convenient roof. They understand that oral health is directly connected to overall health, and protecting one’s teeth and gums will help them have a longer, healthier life.

To schedule an appointment for teeth whitening, please visit our website or call us today at 513-648-9900.